Submitted by Meg Dickens
The Johnson County Senior Center had its monthly Veterans’ Cafe on December 15. As veterans and nonveterans alike prepare to celebrate the Christmas season, it is paramount that everyone remembers those who fought to make the lives they live possible. As explained by Veteran Robert Hensley, National Executive Committee Member of the American Legion, showing that recognition could be the difference between life and death. According to statistics shared by Hensley, 22 active or nonactive veterans in Tennessee attempt suicide every day. That is why officials enacted a Buddy Check Program that contacts those who are or were in service twice a year to make sure they know they are in others’ thoughts. Members reach out each March and November annually. “That call or knock on the door could save a life,” Hensley explained.
Submitted by Meg Dickens
The Johnson County Senior Center hosted its Loveable Ladies Christmas Tea on Wednesday, December 1. Here the group ate, drank tea, and made merry to the sounds of piano accompaniment by Sherry Tester and an eventual bout of Christmas caroling that broke out at the end of the event. Attendees showed up full of Christmas spirit, many wearing Christmas colors or even themed sweaters. This event and the group it was held for truly represent the feeling of Christmas as a whole. For those who do not know, the Loveable Ladies is a group of women who are either single or widowed who form a community of support. The group came together early into Director Kathy Mostinger's time at the center and is led by this month's Volunteer of the Month Pat Steinke. Submitted by Meg Dickens The Johnson County Senior Center staff, volunteers, and members make it a point to show they are thankful throughout the year. Thanksgiving triggers this emotion even more. As a part of the holiday spirit, the center hosted a Thanksgiving storytelling event featuring Director Kathy Motsinger, former Bus Driver Terry Hodge, and Board of Directors Member Dr. John Payne. The three speakers focused on the meaning of being thankful among the tragedies each member faced. Motsinger mentioned the loss of her son and husband, Hodge recounted the recent loss of his daughter and in-laws, and Payne recalled his close brush with death itself. |